Klene, a company based in Haren (Ems), is much appreciated as an employer and training provider. It comes down to the fact that we offer a diverse range of work and a really good working atmosphere. The majority of Klene trainees go on to be employed by the company after their training.
Klene offers training to become a precision mechanic, lasting 3.5 years. We currently have two young men training to become precision mechanics at Klene. We will take on another two in 2021. New traineeships will be offered once again from 2022.
Your application
is welcome!
Time for a change? Speculative applications are welcome at any time, especially from fitters and metalworkers. The important thing is for you to be engaged, be prepared to be flexible when it comes to work (including international assignments) and speak good English.
Apply now!
We look forward to
getting to know you.